We strive to continuously update our blacklist of websites involved in storage spoofing. When new additions are spotted by our team or reported to either FERM or the Port of Rotterdam Authority, we thoroughly check its contents, background details and the companies they supposedly represent to make sure it is indeed a fake website suspected of taking part in attempted spoofing scams before adding it to our list.

If you have information regarding suspicious websites or organizations, we will be sure to verify your input and add the website to our blacklist if necessary. You can find us at storagespoofing@ferm-rotterdam.nl.

Please note that we cannot investigate individual cases, nor can we provide assistance in ongoing cases. If you need help in finding out if any deal on offer is deemed suspicious or to share an occurrence of fraud, we have partnered up with TCT, where a department for Enhanced Due Diligence Solutions has been set up.

Due diligence and investigatory assistance: TCT The Commodity Traders

The department of TCT-GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) can help clients identify and understand the risk that their international relationships represent, and develop the appropriate compliance controls and due diligence programs that clients need. For this purpose, TCT is working together with leading data providers, partners and compliance specialists. They tailor their advice to each client based on their unique risk profile, including jurisdictional exposure, operating model, and industry. Their efficient client services team will assist you with all your queries and guarantee a direct and personal communication.

TCT-GRC partners with you through this facilitated self-assessment to help you evaluate the risk programs in place, discover potential risk and compliance gaps, and address issues. If you need a service in these areas not specifically named in the description, the chances are they do it, and they do it well. So, just ask.

You can contact them at edd@tctrotterdam.com or find out more on their website:

Sluit je aan bij FERM

Blijf alert. Installeer updates en let op phishing mails. Gebruik MFA. En – voor alle bedrijven in de Rotterdamse haven – sluit je aan bij FERM. Zodat je daarnaast ook acute dreigingsinformatie kunt ontvangen, vragen kunt stellen aan de vertrouwde community om je heen, en ondersteund kunt worden in de stappen richting NIS2.

Kijk voor meer informatie op ferm-rotterdam.nl/lid-worden
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Ook krijg je direct en zonder voorwaarden een voucher van 500 euro voor diensten uit ons portfolio.

En wist je dat je als participant mee kunt doen aan onze cybercrisistrainingen in mei en Cybernautics-FERM in juni? Volgens experts uit het veld is de waarde van de training en de oefening gelijk aan het tienvoudige van je deelname aan FERM. Directe value for money dus! | Lees meer op ferm-rotterdam.nl/cybernautics

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